George Gastaldi

Results 84 comments of George Gastaldi

> When I double-click the exe, the windows cmd flashes by, and the exe double-click can run normally when upx is not used Do you see any stacktrace when running...

Can you provide a reproducer project? Or fill in the steps to reproduce?

+1, supporting GraalVM native images OOTB would be a great feature

@jorsol I think that's also possible, considering an abstraction layer is introduced in the HTTP operations part.

Seems to be a problem with the `java` in `/opt/homebrew/Cellar/jreleaser/1.1.0/libexec/bin/java`, that binary seems be corrupted?

Actually in M1 if I download the standalone ZIP I get the same error because it says that the `java` binary is from an untrusted source. Is there a distribution...

@marceloverdijk right, that depends if you're using the `nexus-staging-plugin` in the release. The trick in Quarkus is that we run `gradle publishPlugin` after the release is performed (to deploy to...

IMHO I don't see any value in deserializing the Graphql into Java objects, since the content will be parsed in the server side, but that's my opinion ;)

Perhaps the generator could generate a `HeroOutput` type, by analyzing the query output definition? Mind that queries may use labeled fields, so the output might not match the fields in...