David Garcia
David Garcia
It seems that this project is no longer being maintained, the last update was on Jun 13, 2020. RIP Aurora. Uninstalling in 3,2,1 ....
Seems that works if set null values to "NULL" String as input parameter but I'm having this exception: `com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near '@P0'` I don't know the cause of this...
+1. I can't too. Please Fix IT!
Refixed method: private static List getLowestStraightNumberWithAce(List fromTwoList) { List result = new ArrayList(); result.add(CardNumber.ACE); int prevPower = 1; // ACE for (CardNumber cardNumber : fromTwoList) { if (cardNumber.getPower() == prevPower...
Hello guys, I just fixed the problem with the next trick that exports dependency libs to `target/lib` and uses these libs as another path in `modulePath` declaration. At this moment,...
Thanks, also, sometimes runtime image generation fails due to "duplicated" modules because the maven dependency plugin will also export the jars of the libs that we are "mocking" with moditect....
> javafx-maven-plugin is giving me a hard time transferring our JavaFX application to Java 10. > I added the 8.9.0-SNAPSHOT Plugin, but when I do this `mvn clean verify -P...
Currently, with the latest SNAPSHOP and **openjfx 11 and openjdk 11** the plugin doesn't work due it's calling an unexistent class that has been removed from the openjdk 11 release...
OK, I understand you, don't worry and thanks for your very fast answer :) For now, I will use the[ official openjfx maven plugin](https://github.com/openjfx/javafx-maven-plugin) but's it only generates .jar executable,...
Mee too, bookmarks doesn't sync on nextcloud 13.0.5 or avobe. Please fix