Gary Holtz

Results 9 comments of Gary Holtz

I think I'm getting something related to this: ``` Error in packer_compiled: ...vim/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim/lua/packer/load.lua:10: attempt to index local 'plugin' (a nil value) Please check your config for correctness ``` As far...

@wbthomason I guess it could be something different- I'm just using a very slimmed down packer setup and still getting it. The only thing I could pick out that looked...

Yeah - it seems to be something with lazy loading? 🤷 I removed all the `keys` and `cmd` triggers from my packer loading code and everything seems to be working......

Sure: git version 2.29.2 Interestingly it does seem to be some of the same plugins every time! ``` ⟳ AndrewRadev/deleft.vim: cloning... ⟳ AndrewRadev/rails_extra.vim: cloning... ⟳ adriaanzon/vim-textobj-matchit: cloning... ⟳ airblade/vim-gitgutter: cloning......

(sorry about the late reply!) My internet connection is pretty good and just removing the deoplete-gitlab plugin didn't seem to help. I also adjusted the `git.clone_timeout` which didn't seem to...

In fact, it seems to be most of the window moving functions... something underlying with macOS might have changed? Curiously it only seems to affect certain windows too. Kitty terminal...

@liancheng I think you're right! That sounds exactly like what's happening to me 🤔

> @garymh I have been experiencing this same thing for at least a couple of months now so wanted to add a +1. None of relevant my window management code...