garrett laroy johnson
garrett laroy johnson
IR feeds can be very useful for doing CV with camera/projector set-ups. I see in Kinectron that Infrared is available for sending as a single stream. Is it possible to...
interactive resource feature could expand functionality by creating a field where other attributes could be added (e.g. `allow=camera` for interactive / camera based sketches).
**the bug** In trying to bind a page that's organized with bootstrap 3 grid, Bindery is making one page with no flow to other pages. **To Reproduce** **contents.html** ` lorem...
apologies in advance -- it's not clear to me whether this is a bug or simply my own user error: I'm dynamically created quicksettings GUIs when a new JS object...
wondering how to create complex arrays of barriers that can be rotated by calling setAngle() on a single Physical Object.