Greg Fitzgerald

Results 6 comments of Greg Fitzgerald

The extension trait (with `#[async_trait]`) is what I'm doing now. It works, but just wanted to offer the feedback, because in hindsight, I think I'd rather not give the user...

Either approach would work for me, but with preference to the lameduck mode. I'll take a look at abortable, thanks. Maybe this would be helpful here?

Hey @tikue, here's what I ended up going with: ```rust async fn start_abortable_tcp_server(addr: SocketAddr, exit: Arc) { let server = start_tcp_server(addr).fuse(); let interval = time::interval(Duration::from_millis(100)).fuse(); pin_mut!(server, interval); loop { select!...

@mvines, we should bump the priority on this one. Only checksums within the clients though. No need for those bits to go on the wire.

When wallets show the first and last characters, should they show the last characters of the pubkey or its checksum? First N characters and full checksum seems good to me.

Since this feature requires wallet ecosystem coordination, what if instead of this feature, we add cancelable payments. So the sender can cancel up until the moment the recipient accepts. If...