Garima Singh
Garima Singh
Please create an issue , I will label it then and assign to you. After that u can submit it in a proper format.
Looks good! go ahead
It is basically a template alexa skill issue. You just need to create a skill to simply confirm that the user opened it by saying, "Hello! Welcome to Cake Walk....
Okay I will review it in some time. U can move to other issues now.
Sure. Note down to not expose your API keys and other secret info if they are present. Just put env files in gitignore.
Lets wait for @dalalvarun for the PR.
U can move on to next issue. I'll review it in few days.
Yes. Please change that during solving issue #13
I would prefer option b. Sorry for the late reply. Assigning you!
> I am ready to work with this issue Assigned! All the best