Gareth Repton
Gareth Repton
I have compiled a version on Windows 8 and can confirm that it works correctly as an application on there.
I'm the developer of RemoteTV on Android. I'm not sure if I'll have much time to contribute to the server but, here are some of my wishes for the project:...
Good to hear windows 8 support is in the works and possibly working. When you say perfecting series management, what enhancements have you made? Just wondering if it's something I...
@ianken, did you make any further progress with Windows 8? I couldn't see any check-ins on your fork(I can see above you said you didn't want to initially), I've taken...
Just built on 8 and can confirm as you say it builds and runs (as an App). Unfortunately I don't have anything to build the service installer.
Same issue, same scenario, running windows