Massimiliano Arione

Results 255 comments of Massimiliano Arione

I think that getting orphaned Doctrine objects does not belong here. You should execute such task elsewhere, while deleting a mapped object should already delete related file.

Oh well, in that case it looks fine to me. Waiting for your PR

Feel free to open a PR

What about this? ```php class MediaObject { /** @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="media_object", fileNameProperty="filename") */ private ?SymfonyFile $file; protected string $filename; // ... public function __construct() { $this->file = null; $this->filename = ''; }...

What about making property nullable?

This seems reasonable to me. Feel free to open a PR.

That's how PHP type juggling works. No matter if zero is `0` or `'0'`, it will be empty anyway. So, this is not a bug, it's just the way PropertyDirectoryNamer...

There's a (sadly stale) PR about this. If anyone wants to pick it up from there and finish it...

Doctrine version bumped in a8a9d25a05edf32a0c935e7f2ae3f5de8dd1ddf1 Symfony version also bumped in same commit.