Massimiliano Arione

Results 255 comments of Massimiliano Arione

It looks like a Doctrine issue. Did you upgrade other than this bundle?

Well, you already removed code when you put doctrine1 into a separate repo. But you did it wrong. Now, keeping sfDoctrinePlugin inside symfony1 simply makes no sense. In my opinion,...

@thePanz this is not changing at all the initial point, and you should re-open this issue. `friendsofsymfony1/doctrine1` is not doctrine1 _plugin_, it's doctrine1 _library_

My previous suggestion stands: remove hardcoded doctrine plugin from this repository and suggest it. This is not a BC break, since such plugin can't be used without doctrine library, so...

You're right. You should move plugin to another repo and require it. But sooner or later you should remove that require too, since it's forcing to use doctrine even if...

I know how symfony1 works, I used it since 2007. If you really want it the old way, you should bring back doctrine library into this repo. Without such library,...

Do you mind proposing the same changes on the master branch?

Here it is: ```yaml security: enable_authenticator_manager: true firewalls: my_firewall: pattern: ^/ oauth: login_path: /login failure_path: /login oauth_user_provider: service: My\Service\Implementing\OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface provider: My\Service\Implementing\OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface logout: ~ ```

@danaki what field of `lastComment` you expect to be sorted by?