ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map copied to clipboard
My result is not as perfect as yours in the viewer window
There are only three patches in red, black and green color, respectively in the viewer window and in the left down bottom there is a frame rate which continue to update. I don't know what reasons lead to this result. I am looking forward to your help. Thanks for your reading.
You need to press the “R” key at the point cloud interface
same problem.you may see this https://github.com/gaoxiang12/ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map/issues/20
I meet the same problem.Could you tell me how to fix it?
@CurrySerena @WafeiBaBa @juzhangpatizi I encountered the same problem. Can I get in touch with you? My e-mail is [email protected]. Thank you very much!
You need to press the “R” key at the point cloud interface
I am facing the same problem. I launched the file using "rosrun ORB_SLAM2 RGBD PATH_TO_VOCABULARY PATH_TO_SETTINGS". But i just get the image feed and the point cloud, no reconstruction. I tried pressing the "R" key in the image viewer (which has the point cloud) like some of you suggested, but i do not get the point cloud reconstruction. Is there any other setting i should change? Thanks in advance.
There are only three patches in red, black and green color, respectively in the viewer window and in the left down bottom there is a frame rate which continue to update. I don't know what reasons lead to this result. I am looking forward to your help. Thanks for your reading.
If it doesn't work after you press the “R” key at the point cloud interface, maybe you should change "PointCloudMapping.Resolution:0.03" to 0.08 or bigger.