I guess arachni with phantomjs can not inspect event binding in vue.js(mvvm framework) , so i try to change the test case using jquery , this time, arachni found the...
i tried to install nightlies version(arachni-2.0dev-1.0dev-windows-x86_64.exe) in windows, then i scan in linux but still failed to found
ok, tomorrow i will try to deploy it for your test
> Hello, I can't use arachni to scan my web project using vue.js. Is there any good advice? Thank you > > 你好,我也无法使用arachni扫描的我的使用了vue.js的web工程。请问有什么好的建议吗?谢谢 后面我就放弃了,你可以搭建一个公网环境给作者测试,他们应该很乐意