Fan Gao
Fan Gao
@GalAvineri I tried to install on my ubuntu 20.04 using a slightly different protocol (R 4.2.1 already installed). On terminal: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo apt-get install...
Did you get the answer? I got the same problem.
Did you try the latest bustools? It will be helpful if you can show us the first several lines of tr2g file (needed for bustools), and the output genes.txt...
The data you analyzed only has 25 million reads (people typically sequence 10X more reads). How many "cells" did you recover from the two pipelines?
@aizhimin 160 cells from kallisto? How about cellranger? My understanding is that the dataset you analyzed is a multi-omics data with both 5' expression and immune-seq. Are you sure you...
I am not familiar with kb. If you use kallisto/bustools, you will see there is an option for the whitelist. You can search 10X site and see whether 3' barcode...