Cong Gao
Cong Gao
Sorry for delayed response. Are you still encountering this issue?
Thank you for your interest, I will prepare some test examples on real images and push them online soon!
This looks like a CUDA - GPU version compatibility issue. You may want to try installing CUDA 11.0 according to this post:
This code uses the [pytorch cuda and c++ extension]( As long as the Pytorch and CUDA versions are compatible, it should work.
Hi, sorry for delayed response. The error message suggests that your CUDA device (GPU) is not available. You can check: `torch.cuda.is_available()`
No, the real X-ray ground truth poses are calibrated from the inserted metallic BBs in the specimen. The corresponding 2D and 3D BBs are annotated manually and the pose is...
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Hi, I am not entirely sure, but it looks like a C++ compiler issue in your local environment.
Hi, sorry for the delayed response. Have you solved this issue? This is a warning message rather than an actual error. You should be able to run through the program...
Hi, can you specify your issue? I do not see a particular error message.