Ce Gao

Results 788 comments of Ce Gao

- 星级:4 - 名称:Reeder 2 - 官网:http://reederapp.com/mac/ - 推荐理由:一个Rss订阅应用 - 测评文章:http://www.macx.cn/thread-2123931-1-1.html

/cc @AlexaraWu

> Actually, this PR #1241 does exactly that. It does not use a `CommaSeparated` flag but it should not break backwards compatibility. I am wondering how to disable it without...

IMO there should be a cache mechanism to cache gists in controllable disk space. For example, the users could configure how many GBs can be used to cache gists.

Netease Cloud Music is using the mechanism and I'm not sure whether I downloaded it from MAS :) It delays strategy to user level, it's the best way, IMO.

Do we have direct dep in this repo? I think we have it in common.

/assign @zw0610