I guess that proxy can help?
Ok, will try proxy tomorrow. Can update the issue later
Just double checked - I was rate limited after about 40 calls for now. I think depending on the number of spam cases/intensity the decrease the rate limiter threshold dynamically
> hotfix/proxy it seems to work, however how can I use proxy to query the following? ``` ticker.income_stmt ticker.quarterly_income_stmt ```
Thank you for the `session` input, however Yahoo is still ratelimiting me after about 50 calls, I think the session doesn't work properly ``` session = requests_cache.CachedSession('./.tmp/yfinance.cache') session.headers = headers...
`requests_cache` works perfectly, probably this is the proxy issue with the library. When I create a new session for the `Ticker() ` call it seems that `yfinance` doesn't use session...
my proxy is rotating by itself. each call made via this proxy has a unique IP
one sec. let me test something.