I am using the following resource which has installed and started the required mysql version. Unfortunately, I am getting Access Denied error when I tried to access mysql as a...
### :speaking_head: Foreword Thank for taking the time to fill this bug report fully. Without it we may not be able to fix the bug, and the issue may be...
Hi, I am executing the following powershellscript via rundeck to stop the service "$serviceName=$args[0] $id=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name LIKE '$serviceName'" $id.ProcessId taskkill /pid $id.ProcessId /F" Created a field called...
Hi, I am able to execute commands on remote nodes via Rundeck, except powershell scripts and we are using winRM for file copier. As I am able to execute the...
Hi, I am trying to use AWS role method to auto discover the confluence nodes, I have ensured the role which I have created assigned to the EC2 instance and...
Hi, My goal is find the largest directories within a given repo, I am able to query and gather the list for all repos except one which is of 5.8TB...