Mikael Ganehag Brorsson
Mikael Ganehag Brorsson
Sorry for missing the thing about `_state.go`, it is easily fixed. I also took the road using `encoding/gob` from the start. Then I realized that the output from `encoding/gob` is...
The problem I see with a general serializer is just that it is, general. It will always add additional overhead to allow for any type of structure. I am not...
How about doing option number 2 then. As this will keep all doors open. I can throw together a new solution which leaves the encoding and decoding out of the...
Is this over wired M-Bus or over an optical connection? It is quite common for heat meters to only reply over opto after a preamble of some sort. Typical preambles...
I will take a look and see if I can come up with something elegant.
In an old C code solution that I have, which was written to read data from M-Bus meter over the Optical interface, there is an **opto_wake** function. Using "8n1", it...
Sorry for the late reply. pyMeterbus should be able to decode that for you. ```bash echo 20442D2C971858681D168D205582E2F523CCEEEDC2B11C50350BEACE7E01D03AAD | xxd -r -p > frame.data ``` And then; ```python import meterbus with...
I did spend a couple of minutes on taking a look at the code and it's likely a bug that it manages to decode something. It shouldn't.
A proper implementation of Wireless M-Bus would take weeks. You could always try https://platform.lobaro.com/#/wmbus/parser as a way to just test decoding the frame. But since its encrypted you are going...
I haven't had any time to review it yet. I will do it in the coming days.