in ubuntu 21.04: ..... Updating package lists Upgrading packages Installing required packages Problem installing packages. Check log and rerun once it is resolved please help, where i find log?
thanks a lot, it works! very kind and very fast! Il giorno sab 21 dic 2019 alle ore 23:04 garfield69 < [email protected]> ha scritto: > try out jackett 0.12.1342 >...
the site has changed, I no longer have my account and the old one doesn't work anymore. I have long since abandoned netcosm
can't mount teamdrive and drive at the same time? If I set --drive-id = xxx I only see that, and I don't see everything else.
I created everything double, including the configuration by creating a new key from google, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be allowed to have 2 points mounted at the same time....
I tried everything to be able to connect my drive and shared drive. Unfortunately I lost hope, I don't think you can have both drives connected at the same time....
i have add: --cache-file=~/.plexdrive2/cache2.bolt and now work! many thanx! this my config: plexdrive1: `plexdrive mount -c ~/.plexdrive -o allow_other -v 2 --refresh-interval=1m ~/mnt/plexdrive` plexdrive2: `plexdrive mount -c ~/.plexdrive2 --drive-id=xxxxxxxxxxxx --cache-file=~/.plexdrive2/cache2.bolt...
unfortunately I can not resolve. But will "plexdrive" be updated? otherwise I can no longer use it
but then only I can not configure my account with new google credentials? I don't understand why nobody else complains ..
Could you tell me how you solved it? I couldn't figure out how to do it. At the moment I have old credentials that work, but with new ones I...