C.X. Gan
C.X. Gan
> Hi, > Is there any minimum length of the audio input file? I am getting errors when extracting features on 3 seconds of audio file(mp3). However, there is no...
I also encountered this problem and could not download data. Appreciate it if there are any solutions.
> > I also encountered this problem and could not download data. Appreciate it if there are any solutions. > > https://mm.kaist.ac.kr/datasets/voxceleb/#downloads > > They have another link > >...
Do you find the link for downloading the pre-trained model?
> Hi, > > Hmm this is really different. While since the data2vec-base results are summited from the community (not from the original author or us), so I also don't...
> Hello, > > Thank you for your work on WavLM. I try to reproduce the results but I have some difficulties. > > First of all, I don't undestand...
Also, in the original paper, I didn't notice that the SE block exists in the whole architecture.