Emilano Vazquez
Emilano Vazquez
You need a Modem with voice enabled AT commands and unlocked to make it possible. those modems don't have this functionality enabled. The begginig of this theme is here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_modem_command_set...
Some times this is a power issue, please connect your dongle directly to your motherboard. Avoid use of usb hubs at least for this test. First of all try to...
The whole definition of "captive portal" revolves around "redirecting the user without his/her knowledge", which is exactly one of the things SSL was created to avoid. I think there is...
It's true and looks like there is no way to solve yet. You can't redirect https to http at this moment. I'm reading about this but looks like all in...
Just for the record: https://github.com/vtsatskin/FX-Captive-Portals-Design/blob/master/detection.md https://github.com/wkumari/draft-wkumari-dhc-capport
When you start asterisk without any dongle configured, you can search for a device with this command: ``` Asterisk *CLI> dongle discovery ; discovered device [dc_0177_0724](defaults) ;audio=/dev/ttyUSB1 ;data=/dev/ttyUSB2 imei=35921103712xxxx imsi=72234124377xxxx...
Post the output of this commands (as root): * lsusb * asterisk -rx "dongle show devices" * asterisk -rx "dongle discovery" * cat /etc/asterisk/dongle.conf best regards.
Ok, dongle discovery only show new and unconfigured modems at your server. Please do this: 1. Edit dongle.conf and comment audio and data lines (the last two lines of this)...
Humitos como te puedo ayudar con esto? solo tengo que buscar donde van los links y hacer un push? tengo muy poco en git y no quiero meter la pata!...
juaaaa ok. Voy a ver si puedo dar una mano en el rst que pusiste. Abrazo!