Shane Galvin

Results 12 comments of Shane Galvin

That's the exact extension we are going with actually but would be ideal to have it incorporated in the spec and to standardise on it so that all API doc...

@MikeRalphson does such a vocabulary exist or is there a suitable place to get one started?

Is there any update on this enhancement?

Have a need for ingress for the schema registry, created a separate PR for this based on work in this PR

How far off is this from being pushed? could really do with the ingress support in schema registry

@k1-hedayati im doing a lot in this area currently id be happy to help out on closing some of these PR's if this is something confluent were agreeable too.

Ya mine is just a subset of this PR just changes specific to the Schema Registry, happy to help out on getting Ingress support added to the additional services

@gAmUssA closed now

Sorry @gAmUssA about the delay looks like the originator of this PR has deleted their account but would like to revisit this. It would be difficult to write test similar...

Any update on this? also happy to test it out