I am using this integration since six months without problems. Today I decided to upgrade Home Assistant Core from 2022.2.9 to 2022.4.3: the result is that the main entity of...
Hello, I am trying to use the Flex Table Card with a sensor providing a JSON coming from a query. The JSON is as follows: {"my_data":[{"field_a":"a","field_b":"b"},{"field_a":"a","field_b":"b"}]} If I configure the...
Good morning, I have installed and correctly configured the card, and it's working beautifully. The only problem I have is that on Windows if I minimize the browser window (I...
Hi, i have noticed that the component takes something around 15 seconds on average to retrieve all the data from the inverter. Every "get" is taking several tenths of a...
I successfully added the integration to my Dahua DVR with 8 cameras. I see the live streaming good. When I open the "channel 1" camera device, i have e control...
Since a couple of months i noticed that HA writes some warnings in the log, when it starts, speaking about deprecated features. I am actually using HA Core rel 2024.5.3...
Good morning, after upgrading to HA 2024.2 i started see in the HA log a number of lines speaking about **deprecated components**, which will be removed in **HA Core 2025.1**....