Galen Holt

Results 4 comments of Galen Holt

I think I'm hitting this issue- when using R 4.02, if I try to install a package (e.g. xfun) that needs Rtools, I get `Warning in system(paste(cmd, "shlib-clean")) : 'make'...

I've been looking into this a bit too, and am about to give up for the time being and use Ed's hotfix, but thought I'd throw out a bit more...

I found this after experiencing the identical issue- needing to use `weighted.mean` with a data-variable for the weights in an `across`, with `weighted.mean` being one of many possible user-supplied functions....

I get this same issue moving from R 4.2.2 to 4.3.1. With a clean project and fresh install of git2r, I can use ssh in 4.2.2 and not 4.3.1. For...