**Question:** I have installed the foliate on Ubuntu20.04(WSL2), but there no shortcut in the windows start menu. How can I start using it? **Version:** - foliate: 2.6.4-1~ubuntu20.04.1 all - OS/Distribution...
`pseudo SP` 的值应该是`parent return address`处,不应该和`BP`的值相同?
CSC (class-specific context) will generate context for every class: ```python # # random initialization if cfg.TRAINER.COOP.CSC: print("Initializing class-specific contexts") ctx_vectors = torch.empty(n_cls, n_ctx, ctx_dim, dtype=dtype) ``` 1. If I...
if eg > 0: # 大于0取原值,小于0则置0.即合页损失函数margin-based ranking criterion self.loss += eg temp_positive = 2 * self.learning_rate * (t - h - r) temp_negative = 2 * self.learning_rate * (t2 -...