Yumi Choi
Yumi Choi
This tool will allow one to easliy modify (append new filters, drop/amend the existing filters) the filters.hd5 file.
When creating a physics model grid, first thing to do is to decide the step size of your parameters in the beast_settings.txt. Depending on your data (e.g., depth and number...
It seems like the file name for a noise model grid is fixed as 'projectname_noisemodel.grid.hd5' even if a different file name is given in the beast_settings.txt file.
The functionality for dealing with the EUV parts of the SEDs in the BEAST has not been maintained well. We need to update/add back those functionalities. @karllark will include dust...
In 'make_ast_xy_list.pick_positions_from_map', refimage_hdu is set to be 1. I ran into an error when one of my reference image only has the zero-th extension. We probably want to make it...
While trying to get SMC-like extinction curves, I got an error for f_A = 0 cases. This happens when the code tries to figure out the Rv of the A...
Currently, we have an absolute flux calibration matrix only for the HST system. To apply BEAST on other systems, we should either provide an option for a simple matrix or...
If I remember correctly, randomly selecting SEDs from the physics model grid to generate input ASTs was a relic from Heddy to try the truncheon method. Is there anyone use...
It is related to the closed issue (#[374](https://github.com/BEAST-Fitting/beast/issues/374)). In the current BEAST, some runs (e.g., generating physics model grid, fitting) support the subgrid functionality, while some runs (e.g., generating AST...
Karl: remove all the references to the C code, both in imports and if statements. That C code is no longer present in the current version of the repository and...