ChangJin Wei
ChangJin Wei
**Which Component** Nacos Discovery **Describe the bug** nacos discovery 跨 group的问题我跟踪了一下,看了一下代码实现, 现在的设计是Namespace和group是同一个概念了. 看了nacos的官网文档,nacos的group和Spring Cloud的clusterName才是同一个概念 **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Screenshots** If applicable,...
根据` Spring Cloud Commons`的设计可以利用`InstancePreRegisteredEvent`和`InstanceRegisteredEvent`对`Registration`进行一些相关骚操作, 比如`InstancePreRegisteredEvent`来修改`metadata` `` ```java public void start() { if (!isEnabled()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Discovery Lifecycle disabled. Not starting"); } return; } // only initialize if nonSecurePort...
**Describe the bug** 监听InstancePreRegisteredEvent无法修改PolarisRegistration相关信息, 如修改metadata相关信息, 目前PolarisRegistration.metadata字段的map实现类使用的是UnmodifiableMap, PolarisRegistration.host字段被final修饰, 导致无法利用InstancePreRegisteredEvent进行一系列的骚操作 **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior. ```java public class RegistryConfiguration { @Bean public InstancePreRegisteredEventListener startMetadata() { return registration -> { Map...
`` to Enable X-Forwarded Headers.
[gitee-I7U45G](, [gitee-I63VG0](, [gitee-I4K8IS]( > demo: ```java public interface HelloClient { @Get("http://localhost:8080/hello/hello") @LoadBalancer("example-springcloud") Map hello(); } ``` 大致的想法是提供一个`@LoadBalancer`来实现微服务的负载均衡
I often feel confused about which annotations can be used, and I hope this PR can also help everyone
如果有疑问大家可以直接发起issue, 我会马上处理的
Referenced [feign#2098]( I like this feature♥️.