ChangJin Wei
ChangJin Wei
Refer to [RestTemplate]( and [WebClient]( . Check [Set 'X-Forwarded-*' header when using loadbalanced RestTemplate issus](, Don't know why OpenFeign doesn't provide support @spencergibb
hello @spencergibb , Please consider merging this PR
hello @OlgaMaciaszek , I have updated the document,
I think these documents should be placed in ``Spring Cloud Commons``
> @galaxy-sea it is already documented there. But it's good to reiterate here, since we add the code separately (there's no full parity between the OF LB client and the...
我提交了一个[PR-165](来适配Spring Cloud
> > 我提交了一个[PR-165](来适配Spring Cloud > > 被拒绝了。。 很抱歉, 不能解决你的问题, 如果需要你可以复制相关代码到自己工程之中即可
hello @marcdv , see [gh-1003](
hello @OlgaMaciaszek , can you assign this issue to me.
hello @OlgaMaciaszek , `feign.hc5.ApacheHttp5Client` does not support the http2, but `feign.hc5.AsyncApacheHttp5Client` supports http2