Gajus Kuizinas

Results 312 issues of Gajus Kuizinas

### Description Reduces use of unnecessary querySelector use. ### Additional context It is faster to read DOM once. --- ### What is the purpose of this pull request? - [...

I am sure more people would be using this library if it was unit tested. If you need help with structuring repository for unit tests, integration with CI, check out...

Hello @koichik , Thank you for maintaining `tunnel`. I have been using it the past couple of months. However, I've started running into issues with Node v12. I tried digging...

Just like This would allow to filter messages by a path, e.g. `/test` to only show messages in the test path.


```js function foo () { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.warn("Deprecated: Function \"foo\" is deprecated in /fixtures/preset-options/adds-console-warn-to-function-declaration/actual.js on line 4", { functionName: "foo", message: "Deprecated in favour of quux.", packageName:...


Some functions produce a lot of noise in the `console.log` as a result of the added warnings. This can be alleviated using a construct such as: ```diff +let uniqueIdentifierForFooConsoleWarn =...


This module simply adds all `dependencies` to the `bundledDependencies` property. Had to look at the source code to figure that out.

Is it enough to read just a chunk of the image? Loading 20MB image into memory is suboptimal.

I have a setup such as: ```js app.use('/', proxy({ changeOrigin: true, target: PRERENDERED_APP_URL })); app.use('/', proxy({ changeOrigin: true, target: APP_URL })); ``` If `PRERENDERED_APP_URL` responds with an error (e.g. status...