Richard Gaitskell
Richard Gaitskell
Shortening the Maximum Exposure Time significantly in Config appears to cause significant errors in processing flow including a notification Warning that Upload worker has restart more than 10 times. No...
This is a very minor issue since it affects very few files/operations but it may offer insights elsewhere? The **./misc/ sync** command works well - thank you. However, at the...
Last night indiallsky crashed completely. Running on raspi4. The indi-allsky logfile (see below) just stopped with last entry being the "S3 bucket upload" - no errors shown. The syslog shows...
We have been looking in detail at the photometry from our Oculus Pro Camera (Starlight Xpress) with 150 deg FOV. For exposure times greater than 1 sec the light entering...
### Feedback The Shelley Dimmer 2 (Gen 1) is a single channel dimmer. However, its configuration in HA only allows on/off. Could you provide guidance on the page concerning what...
Services was renamed to Actions in 2024.8 [ 12]( Thank you for your very useful software