Mike Williams

Results 6 comments of Mike Williams

I got fstab entry removal to work with this change; @@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ ``` } 'absent': { ``` - include fstab::variables - $fstab_match_line = "*[spec='${source}' and file='${dest}']" + augeas...

Hey @sysadmind Would you mind, if possible, adding active_shards_percent_as_number too?

Before I break all our managed tomcat installs, does anyone know if camptocamp-tomcat and puppet-archive play nice together now?

@d-mankowski-synerise thanks very much, that sorted this problem for us. One note, you wrote not wanting `metrics: true` in each of the penultimate 2 paragraphs when you meant `master: true`....

https://github.com/Juniper/py-junos-eznc/pull/1284 is another go at resolving this. In my case I have an IdentityFile defined at the top level of my ~/.ssh/config but for the Juniper devices I must use...

https://github.com/Juniper/py-junos-eznc/pull/1284 is an updated version of this patch. Curiously ProxyJump doesn't work with this PR combined with https://github.com/Juniper/ansible-junos-stdlib/pull/634 but ProxyCommand does. I've never used ProxyJump before though so it might...