Justin Gage
Justin Gage
The exports in entrypoint.sh weren't working - not sure why
I don’t know either. I have it so that my Makefile exports the key directly in the shell every time I build a container, but then I can’t view the...
1) Look at script/entry point.sh - you’ll see that a Python command is being run and exported as an environment variable to create the Fernet key 2) Copy the Python...
I’m reopening the issue if both of y’all are having the same problem. My hacky solution wouldn’t work if you’re using multiple containers, and doesn’t let you use the connections...
Please do, so I don't need to be embarrassed when I show my personal Airflow setup to my coworkers 🥇
Would triple quotes solve the problem?
Jealous! Also where are your logs stored? Can not for the life of me find them the way this image is set up
@puckel any idea what's up here? Happy to fix if you have any insights
@PedramNavid it's done in the script/entrypoint.sh file