
Results 95 comments of Gael

As announced during the last community call, we'd love to have this as part of [dsccommunity]( @corydwood gave me permissions to the repo and I'll try to get this re-homed...

To summarise: - testing behaviour is preferred over `Assert-MockCalled` - `Assert-MockCalled` is useful to test code path when it's not possible to directly test behaviour - `Assert-MockCalled` should be used...

Hi @tnieto88, Thanks for the feedback. I'm keen to use SemVer for many reasons, as long as we keep the NuGet compliant format for pre-releases. Ideally, in my opinion, we'd...

I'm afraid that's not a bug from a DSC Resource of the Resources Kit, but a PowerShell one. As you are using Windows PowerShell, your best bet is probably to...

Hi @SimeonGerginov, I struggle to reproduce your error. Could you please let me know what's your `$PSversionTable.PSVersion` Also do a `get-module -listAvailable PSDesiredStateConfiguration` (could be my environment that has been...

If you have those 2 modules using ModuleBuilder, why are they in PSM1? is that after each module is built? If that's the that case, why the need to merge...

I think those two cases should be looked at separately. For the no source files, when you build, say a MOF-based DSC resources, you do not require a PSM1/rootmodule. I...

> any situation where having a manifest that specifies RootModule to be a file which doesn't exist would be good True, but that's not ModuleBuilder's role, that would be whatever...

A dirty hack I use sometimes is to import those classes in the calling session, i.e. like `ScriptsToProcess`... I like when you can load the module in development without compiling...

Also, I think we may want to that later in the process? If we add things like platyps generated maml to the module, we'd have to update-modulemanifest anyway...