
Results 11 comments of gabriiels

Bun === GOAT

> Would love to eventually see support for Qwik. Down the line would be willing to help with the effort too. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Qwik + Bun === GOAT

Has anyone done a test with version 0.6?

Excellent work! Thank you very much for these advances! This is great !

Hello @jmcdo29 Were you able to compare memory consumption? With node a small project: ±150 mb With bun the same project: ±420 mb

@manucorporat Waiting to be able to try this out, looks great ...

Can tRPC be used with bun?

@samijaber @manucorporat Hello, a solution to this problem is the following: ``` define: { 'process.env': JSON.stringify(process.env) } ``` ``` import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import { qwikVite } from...

@kokecar11 How did you solve it? Do you have any example of the configuration? I have the same problem

@DustinJSilk But also for large queries it is the same case. Because if a slow network is coupled with a large query