Gabriel García Seco

Results 15 comments of Gabriel García Seco

@AndryBray I don't know if you fixed it. I found this in the guide. ``` CamanJS supports HiDPI displays (also known as Retina displays) as of version 4. Specifying HiDPI...

I solved it by using in the router.jsx. ``` Meteor.startup(function(){ if (Meteor.isCordova) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.disableScroll(true); main() } }); ```

I think on monday, I would have some to time to do something. I'll fork the kitchen sink app and I'll give it a try

Hi everyone. I have my app on my repo, it's pretty simple indeed. It uses the but in freemium mode, it limits too much. I used meteor server to...

I'll try heroku this weekend then and when I have it, I'll transfer

If you updated your app and the error shows, can you remove node_modules and install again. In case that wouldn't work, could you upload a repo reproducing the problem.

I made the next changes to make it work. In package.json I updated reactionic. ``` "reactionic": "1.2.0-beta.0" ``` And in ui/components/views/Reservation.jsx in line 89 replace the attribute in the label...

I have downloaded the repo and I couldn't reproduce this, it works for me. The screenshot you show is in an android device right?

I was using meteor, I tried using webpack and it's loading the icons. I'll try from a windows device.

If you open the chrome with developer tools, and you click in the tab network. It should load ionicons fonts.