Gabriele Buondonno
Gabriele Buondonno
Yes, in Python. I remember finding a way, there was an `unplug` command if I am not wrong
dynamic-graph-python will be fine, I think :)
This was already the subject of a previous issue. You can find more info here: #777
I do agree that the current getJointId interface is counterintuitive and error-prone. Returning -1 would force returning a signed variable, and I do not think we want that. So throwing...
> I don't think this change will break existing code. I think it is extremely possible that it would break existing code. Consider ``` JointIndex idx = model.getJointId(jointName); if(idx
To push for a smooth transition, it would be nice to issue a runtime warning if the joint is not found: ``` Warning: the given joint name was not found....
> it is trickier to have a boolean that switches behaviors. I would avoid this kind of "hacks", they make our life unnecessarily harder (simpler --> better) :) I do...
For future reference: similar changes should be applied to `getFrameId` too (see #1198)
@andreadelprete, if quadprog++ is a viable implementation, endorsed by Gael Guennebaud himself, why not using this version directly? What are the advantages of using a version of our own? I...
I think I have an entity doing more or less that in sot-talos-balance