Gabriel Lee
Gabriel Lee
The current default manifest `short_name` is the project package name, even when a custom name is provided for the manifest. This is not ideal as developers might assume that when...
summary: - add disabled options (used in select and multi-select components) - these options will be rendered (including the filtered list), but un-toggle-able - select: you can't select that option...
## Initial report - user using Windows, IntelliJ IDEA v2024.1.4 - pets plugin v0.1.7 - toolwindow crash on being opened, with the following thread dump provided: ``` "AWT-EventQueue-0" prio=0 tid=0x0...
original PR ( notes: # Description - add brand-visuals library - add prop to Icon component to load icons from the brand-visuals library note: the new, larger icons included in...