Gabriel Stanovsky
Gabriel Stanovsky
Some sentences seem very weird: For example: ``` Boy Scouts ' ` perversion ' files set to be released travel ``` @rachelvov, What's the original tweet? @kleinay, do you know...
@kleinay Shany mentioned that we get lower scores on entity recognition - probably since we group noun compounds. I think we should: 1. Get her evaluation code somewhere on github...
Since we're fixing bugs now, it's getting harder and harder to tell whether we're messing something elsewhere. The proper way to deal with this is probably to introduce unit tests...
* **Hurricane Sandy they call it, already causing havoc across the caribbean.** {'Entities': {'A1': ('it', (4,)), 'A2': ('Hurricane Sandy', (0, 1)), 'A3': ('already', (6,)), 'A4': ('caribbean', (11,)), 'A5': ('havoc', (8,))},...
Turns out that that Berkeley fails on sentences containing 3 subsequent '?'\!' marks. @kleinay overcame this problem by wrapping the single-sentence parsing stage with "try-except" block, logging and then ignoring...
@mnick Hi, thanks for publishing your code! The example in the README says that the input for trainer should be composed of "xs = list of (subject, object, predicte) triples"....