Gábor Farkas

Results 29 issues of Gábor Farkas

node6 throws an exception because of the line https://github.com/BigstickCarpet/swagger-server/blob/master/lib/parser.js#L62 when the `swagger` variable is not a string. this happens when i give swagger-server an already parsed object. this is allowed...

the routing in fluxible-router is case insensitive currently. i'd like to use case-sensitive routing.. it seems that fluxible-router uses routr, which in turn uses path-to-regexp, which has an option for...

help wanted

when i run serve like: ``` serve -l tcp://localhost:8888 ``` i get this debug output: ``` ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ Serving! │ │ │ │ - Local: │ │...

i enabled the `:tools/linter` and `:lang/go` layers, and it works fine, but it keeps installing the following 4 packages everytime when i start atom: ``` go-config gometalinter-linter go-get gorename ```...

i'm trying to convert the following code from `config.cson` to `.proton`: ``` ".js.source": editor: tabLength: 2 ``` i tried to simply do ``` [".js.source.editor.tabLength" 2] ``` but proton uses `.`...

i need to get the width/height/image_type of a Buffer. this module works great for this, because the returned structure does have a `type` attribute that i can use. but it...

you can use a (promise-boolean)-returning function as your filter-function in withFilter. considering a promise-boolean, the returned value can be three things: 1. resolved to True 2. resolved to False 3....

help wanted

there currently is no info about what is backward-incompatible between 2.x and 3.x. after some click-around on github, it seems the changes are these two: https://github.com/BinaryMuse/toml-node/pull/53 https://github.com/BinaryMuse/toml-node/pull/53 it would be...

WIP related to https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/47346 we are trying to create a frame-type that is useful for data that uses a separate, single labels-field, where all the label-names-and-values for the given "row"...

grafana core data sources have a lot of auth options ( basic-auth, skip-tls-verify, forward-oauth, allow-cookies etc.). when writing a not-streaming backend datasource, the approach to handle these is: - in...