Don't forget to call the fonction **req.logIn(user, () => {});** during the authentication! The doc is lying, passport.authenticate() middleware DOES NOT invokes req.login() automatically. passport.serializeUser and passport.deserializeUser will never be...
The error is still there (On Android). Is there any update about this problem? "expo": "^30.0.1", "expo-pixi": "^0.3.1", "react": "16.3.1", "react-native": "", ```javascript [Unhandled promise rejection: Error: unexpected url: content://media/external/images/media/1635]...
Same problem here, resolved by cleaning my Podfile.lock
> @dcpliot Did you find a way to solve this? I suggest you to use [They handle this case.](
Hey guys! Don't forget to add '**&sdk=2**' at the end of your target_url property in the body. It was the cause of the never ending promise on our side.
@zihejia In your React-Native example, the init() call is inside a Class Constructor. How can we wait on a Class Constructor in javascript? Also, the MixpanelManager class is pretty wild...