This one's a doozy. Tournaments are at the core of this platform. Users and teams should be able to sign-up for tournaments created by the admins that run the site....
Someone suggested to me to use WordPress and I have seen implementations where people are using WordPress to power a Laravel blog? I don't think this is necessary, but it...
Okay, here is the Master Task List of things that need to be done pertaining to the Admin dashboard area: - [ ] Move everything over to Vue from React...
Currently I have: - admin : Grants access to all API endpoints and actions - user : Grants access to **most** API endpoints and allows actions that may effect entities...
Not quite sure what would be best to use, if anyone has any great ideas, would love to hear 😄
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hi there, I've been using Pomatez for like 3 days and I've seen a significant productivity increase 🔥🚀. So with...
I'd be interested in making/seeing a VSCode plugin that supports syntax highlighting within the SQL string. Currently my only workaround is using `sql.file` to get syntax highlighting, but I'd rather...
Just going to rewrite some of the code and restructure things a bit. Maybe use different libraries and make it more modular. Not quite sure. It could split off into...