
Results 21 comments of George

其实最大的好处就是,goroutine 虽然lightweight 但是架不住多,如果成千上万没有问题,但是一百万呢?所以说原生Epoll主要是为了省内存,但是头条的实践已经告诉我们,这个东西毕竟还是goroutine 驱动的,所以会有可能变成串行的

> Extra fields get ignored and it works with other types instead of `BigDecimal`. `BigDecimal` probably doesn't support deserialization from strings. You can get better error messages if you...

> > When I have updated the arrow::plasma project to support some features in our business. > > Can you explain what this means exactly? > > Also, regardless, Plasma...

Here is my solution with cmake ``` cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11) # require the submodule find_package(Git QUIET) if(GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") option(GIT_SUBMODULE "Check submodules during build" ON) if(GIT_SUBMODULE) message(STATUS "Submodule update") execute_process(COMMAND...

> @Fullstop000 Do you have an interest to participate in this work? mee too :)

> Sure, but I belive that this bug will raise agin at the master branch(cc I have tried at master branch )

> Could you provide a complete minimal reproducer? The code you've put into the "Steps to reproduce" is not a full program. I'm not even sure what language your example...

> Well, the software is LevelDB rust version. I try to split the core IO logic from the LevelDB

@NieDzejkob I suggest use my code in Steps: 1. make SGX=1 2. gramine-sgx gramine in my code this will produce a empty result as I mentationed. But I directly...

> But I use the protected_mrenclave_file