Nico Braunisch
Nico Braunisch
Because there was some clarification needed in the taskforce: ^: Asserts the start of the string. [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]: Defines a character class that allows various Unicode characters. \x09: ASCII horizontal tab....
Maybe we should change the Constraint [AASd-130]( in the following way: > An attribute with data type "string" shall consist of these characters only: >The string contains only valid Unicode...
Can you please provide an algorithmic solution how XML or JSON Objects should be mapped and matched in pseudocode
Remove attribute globalAssetID and force a (Key,Val) tuple in specific Asset ID that has the keyword "globalAssetID".
Is there a use case where we need labeling?
Is it possible to check only the Identifiers?
The process is well-defined in section . We use feature branches.
This is not an Issue, but a very good change request. Please feel free to make a commit with s follow-up PR for this particular change.
The license information can clearly be found in the Repository There is no need to bloat files unnecessarily.