
Results 70 comments of goonix

I think this bug will appear on http2 websites. One solution would be to shut down http2 the same way you can do this on http.Server, by setting TLSNextProto to...

@justjanne I am not talking about the vim module, I am talking about the insert or command mode in zsh.

I randomly got this problem after upgrading on Ubuntu 18.04. It broke automation on all servers running python commands on the docker engine.

I've been using mdv with docker and it works wonders (as suggested by @rawkode within his autobuild ``` function mdv() { docker run --rm -v $PWD:/sandbox -w /sandbox -it...

@robertmarkbram Windows is usually a pain with a lot of software. Try running GNU/Linux.

I installed this from pip on Archlinux. Got the latest version, but I have the same problems. instead of code blocks, I see a

I solved this by running mdv with docker. Just add this to your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`: ``` function mdv() { docker run --rm -v $PWD:/sandbox -w /sandbox -it rawkode/mdv:latest $@...

> Temporary files should be stored in /tmp or better a directory in /tmp created with mktemp It is not yet in the FHS, but it is already largely used...

@Jorman Thank you for your ticket! OpenWRT is definitely on our roadmap. DD-WRT too. Our QA team is currently looking into this, however I can not promise a date at...

I see from the [official OpenWRT documentation for WireGuard]( that it does not rely on `wg-quick`, but on `uci` to configure WireGuard. The documentation also provides commands to change firewall...