Graeme Weatherill
Graeme Weatherill
Two new site parameters have appeared in recent GMPEs, namely the `fpeak` term in `HassaniAtkinson2020` ( and `f0` in `ManeaEtAl2021` ( Neither of these terms is adequately documented in the...
The pull request implements a new form of GMPE, which is a conditional ground motion model. This describes a family of ground motion models in which the predicted parameter is...
Currently the comparison of GMPEs to data is undertaken in the `smtk.residuals.gmpe_residuals.Residuals` class. The various tools for analysis the model fit (Likelihood, LLH, EDR, MultivariateLLH) all subclass the Residuals object,...
Currently the source to site-distances need to be supplied in the input to the files. A set of tools to construct the source-to-site distance for finite and point source representations...
Add a function to subplot the three timeseries of a 3-component record, allowing the user to scale the y-axis limits
Using a GMPE or a set of GMPEs, create a synthetic set of virtual scenarios that are then parsed into the SMDatabase format.
Ground Motion Intensity Conversion Equations (GMICEs) refer to a class of empirical function that allows for conversion between conventional ground motion measures (e.g. PGA, PGV, Sa) and macroseismic intensity. Whilst...