
Results 104 comments of Gautier

How can this issue be closed? This is a critical bug to follow. We should have a reference to the firebase ios sdk issue here and check this is fixed...

Thank you for the answer and for providing the ios issue related so we can follow this.

I will try on an emulator (I'm only testing on real device for better behavior). This seems more related to Android new version that maybe broke the camera emulation. ```Unknown...

Oh so maybe that's more on the fact that it has 2 rear cameras. Going to do some research on this. Thank you for investigating this!

Okay, after some digging it seems that multi camera devices has to open logical camera and then related physical device. So this makes sense that camerawesome do nothing as we...

Hi Jon, You are right, I started some research and started detection of multi deviceCamera. I'd be happy to get some help, thank you! => I created a branch called...

unlockFocus cannot be called if you didn't take a photo. So I think the scenario is wrong. Can you double-check the scenario, please?

@anamauad - what is your compileSdkVersion in your build.gradle - what is your targetSdkVersion in your build.gradle