Guilherme Andrade

Results 12 comments of Guilherme Andrade

Using async didn't help; most of the time the connection gets closed while I'm waiting either for the status line or the response headers. I suspect this is due to...

I did; the test case I attached to the opening comment replicates the issue using `with_body`. It's a tricky situation to solve - if one reacts to `{error, closed}` when...

What a bizarre issue. I used your commands for inducing packet loss but couldn't replicate after dozens of attempts. Are you using OTP 20.3 from the website? Or did you...

I've pushed the `content-length` check to [`75ec584edcb`](

> [...] maybe allowing to gracefully handle intermittent failures. Well, it does handle intermittent failures: if you can afford to boot your system without geolocalization being ready, I highly recommend...

`locus 1.10.0`, which was released earlier today, does somethings differently and might be of use to you in working around the packet loss issue: - initially quick retries with exponential...

> My point is to reduce scope for a moment, and do not rewrite all log commands as well, [...] In case more elegant alternatives don't come up within a...

I've also encountered this issue. Any solution on the road map?