Fedor Zharinov
Fedor Zharinov
Hello. We're planning to use another repository for samples development : https://github.com/Intel-Media-SDK/MediaSDK to keep samples and library together in one place. Please give us some time to merge all the...
we're ready change this in samples allocator as soon as required changes are made in library.
Hello. Permission denied error happens because your user is not allowed to /home/nkidd/samples/samples/__cmake/intel64.make.debug/ - possibly you need to change catalog permissions or use sudo (as you did). Assuming that you...
Hello. Script cannot find proper libva library. Please install most recent MSS package - it should install all required libraries.
Hello. Speaking about openvino_sample_peopledetect, you should use this form of command line: ./openvino_sample_peopledetect -v=~/Downloads/person-bicycle-car-detection.mp4 (It's kinda non-standard, true). Let's stick to open model zoo samples, they are easier to work...
And speaking about docker problem (sorry I missed it in the first message). @jomoengineer, do you have GStreamer or FFMPEG installed in docker image ? Do you use some standard...
@jomoengineer, I'll add verbose output for video reading utilities to get better logs and will come up with new version to try.