Hello, I would like to evaluate the pre trained model on t2m, but it reported an error as follows. How can I resolve this issue? ``` (motiondiffuse) ubuntu@ubuntu:~/fyy/text-to-motion$ python final_evaluations.py...
Hello, First of all, thank you for your open source project! When I run both bash run_demo.sh and bash run_batch_demo.sh, It will report an error: TypeError: __init__() takes 2 positional...
Hello, thank you for providing such an excellent project! I encountered some issues while evaluating the performance of pretrained models on the HumanML3D dataset: I did not find 'Multimodal Dist'...
Hello, thank you for such a great project. I have a question when reading "Table 2: APE and AVE benchmark on the KIT dataset": The evaluation results of Lin et...
Hi, when I use ray with 4 gpus, it went wrong: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/bonesimulation/ncs/train.py", line 87, in main(config) File "/home/bonesimulation/ncs/train.py", line 50, in main model.fit(...