F. Y.
F. Y.
1. 建议把 biblatex 的 backend 也设成 option. 2. 去掉默认的 \addbibresource[location=local]{reference.bib}, 或者在文档里面说明,这个文件名不能改。 3. 封面图片缺失的时候留空。 谢谢!
> What exactly do you want to customize that you currently cannot? Have you read the README? My bad, I didn't know that the defaults.yml will be automatically handled by...
> > run some simple commands, such as, git commit, or hugo, in Panwriter > > hm.. I was thinking of keeping PanWriter focused on the writing experience and calling...
This is really an issue that needs to be fixed (for Windows system). I am looking forward to that. Thank you!
> You can see an example of how to implement the listener in https://github.com/drlippman/IMathAS-Extras/blob/master/embedq/practice.html Thank you for your prompt reply! I opened practice.html and tried to amend a question link...
To keep blank cell, adding the following codes to the css file should solve the problem. ```css .multicolcol { min-height: 1px; } ``` For the comma issue, it seems hard...