I'm also trying to translate guides to Chinese. I choose creating [my own fork]( which may be not the best way. In my opinion, for the Google official, supporting English...
Bilibili 官方很久之前关掉了第三方 API 开放平台的网站,本文档对已有接口的用户仍然有意义。
仓库中这份文档是在官方 API 文档网站关闭前复制过来的,新的接口以及非公开的接口没有在此列出。 十分抱歉,我们不再为这个仓库作额外的维护了,包括但不限于抓取哔哩哔哩 API 接口。
如果其它开发者了解详情,欢迎在此讨论,本 Issue 将保持开放。
@UsingMisz 官方文档早就停止更新了,基本是关闭前复制过来的。你可以在*/ 参考归档
I pointed out that official compat library's maven repo status: []( in the readme. But it seems not to be ready for all developers. It lacks some documentation and it...
Maybe I need to write some code to clear the status (of FingerprintManager) each BiometricPrompt's beginning.
There is no default constructor but you can implement it by yourself. I will add a default implementation in the next version.
Dialog will be created once when building `BiomtericPromptCompat(Api23Impl)`. Could it prevent from causing this error if build `BiometricPromptCompat` every time you want to call `authenticate` method?
Thanks for your suggestion. After finishing what I am busy these days, I will fix it. Sorry for inconvenience. BTW, I am building `AbstractBiometricPromptDialogFragment` which can keep dialog states for...